ByStaff Reporter

March 18, 2024

She says he paid lobola for her, took birth certificates for their kids. . .Marriage collapsed after fallout due to his move to get another wife. . .Marriage collapsed after fallout due to his move to get another wife

MADZIBABA Ishmael’s first wife says her former husband is a hypocrite who does one thing and preaches something else to ‘brainwash’ his army of followers.

Tendai Mukombe has eight children with Madzibaba Ishmael.

Two of their kids are late while four of them live with their father in ‘Canaan.’

She stays with her two boys.

Their marriage collapsed when they fell out after the ‘King of Canaan’ took a second and younger wife.

She said she only knows Madzibaba Ishmael’s second wife and does not know the other seven.

She is now living in abject poverty at her rural home in Murehwa.

Mukombe said her four daughters were married but she never received any lobola because Madzibaba Ishmael outlawed this practice.

However, she said Madzibaba Ishmael paid lobola for her in full and took birth certificates for all their eight children.

Birth certificates are not allowed at Madzibaba Ishmael’s shrine.

“I never received any lobola from my son-in-laws since Madzibaba Ishmael abolished the lobola custom.

“Asi iye akandibvisira pfuma yose zvekuti baba namai vangu vakapfeka mbatya nekudya roora rese.

“Madzibaba Ishmael acquired birth certificates for all his children with me.

“It is my prayer for Madzibaba Ishmael to repent, to look after all his children and to be released from prison for good.”

Mukombe was blocked by Madzibaba Ishmael from receiving any kind of support from him, his church and any of her children, after she refused to support his church’s doctrine.

She told H-Metro: “My life has not been good since the outbreak of Covid-19, in March 2020.

“That is the time he ditched me, following a misunderstanding over his decision to marry his second wife.

Ndakaramba kuenda kuNyabira ndikati handingasiye dzimba dzangu, ndinofira pano.

“My marital issues haunted me that I nearly took my life, but my neighbours urged me to soldier on and remain prayerful.”

She claimed her rural home was once put up for sale by Madzibaba Ishmael.

“Some home seekers were even sent here to see of they could buy this place. I pleaded for mercy and they understood my issue.”

She claims she has endured so much suffering she has even considered suicide on a number of occasions.

“I have gone through untold suffering,” she said.

“You remember the time when Madzibaba Ishmael was arrested, following the Budiriro incident, which ended up with him being sent to jail.

Akasungirwa muimba iyo kuno kumusha mushure mekunge tatambudzika zvikuru tichigara kuBudiriro.

“He was jailed and I had to fend for the children alone.

“He was jailed when I was nursing our last born and the baby died while he was in prison.

“Upon his release, Madzibaba Ishmael inflicted more pain on me by marrying another wife.”

She said that marriage caused her a great deal of suffering and she decided to stop going to Madzibaba Ishmael’s church.

“I had to join another Johanne Masowe yeChishanu because I was being mocked and my children were not being supported.

“Madzibaba Ishmael convinced the children that he was not going to look after them if they were to remain with me.”


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