Spot News ZW

Zimbabwe News Owls


Win or no Win the Foundation will always be there : Boss Tumelo

Aspiring Zanu PF Glenview North  candidate Tumelo Zamanga popularly known as Boss Tumelo has assured his constituency that his charity work will continue even after the election.

breaking news local

Chidawu dies

Minister of State for Harare Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Honourable Oliver Chidawu has died. Senator Chidawu, who was born in 1954, became the youngest mayor in the history of Harare city in 1984 at the age of 29. He was…

Bishop Muzorehwa’s UANC ready to face Mnangagwa in 2023

United African National Council (UANC), which was led by the late Methodist Bishop Abel Muzorewa said that the party is all geared up for the 2023 election.

Java gears up for 2023 elections- Spot News ZW

Controversial prophet Passion Java, in efforts to tap into Mai Titi and Madam Boss fan base for the 2023 elections, has acquired Mercedes Benz, each for the two female celebrities Spot News ZW can review.