Reverend Obadiah Musindo stands accused of locking up girls for personal pleasure

ZANU PF aligned Reverend Obadiah Musindo of Destiny for Africa Network (DAN) is reportedly routinely locking up vulnerable girls (names supplied) at a Harare Hotel for his sexual pleasure before threatening them if they dare to report him, has learnt.

Musindo is not new to controversy, having been accused of raping his maid in 2004 and then spending over a decade fighting that the case does not proceed in court.

He has also been arrested on numerous instances for fraud and related crimes, the latest being this year February after being accused of defrauding a colleague of US$5,800.

A source close to developments revealed names of some who have fallen victim to Musindo’s antics, which include using his Zanu PF links to threaten the girls and at times employment opportunities.

A hotel staff member provided further details including the room number from which he operates at the busy hotel located at the edge of Harare’s Central Business District (CBD).

Details have also emerged that Musindo recently impregnated an orphan he had been taking care of (name supplied).

“Musindo has been doing this for years and the hotel continues to house him despite its full knowledge of his actions,” said a source at the five-star hotel.

“The girls cannot report this to the police because he threatens them or at times sweet talks some of them promising them employment or money to start projects.

“He is currently staying with an orphan he got pregnant despite having misrepresented that he was simply taking care of her. At a certain point they were joined by two other girls (one name supplied) and spent days without leaving their room.”

Musindo said the claims were just rumors which should not be published.

“I will give you her (victim) number tomorrow so you can talk to her yourself. All this talk about girls is a lie. These are just rumours, I do not know if you would want to write rumours,” said Musindo.

“I have daughters who visit me at the hotel everyday, I do not know if I have to publicise that they would be visiting me for people to stop thinking like this.”

The well-known cleric is popular for his Zanu PF campaigns, at one point describing late President Robert Mugabe as “Black Moses” before promising him two million votes at the 2013 general elections

Source: New

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