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Zimbabwe News Owls


Eddie Customs flagged for smuggling vehicles

State security departments have launched an investigation into the operations of some vehicle clearing agencies amid allegations that they are involved smuggling of stolen cars and doctoring temporal import permits.

Judicial capture: Top cop Zimbwa barks instructions to High Court judge in rival’s unfair eviction

Harare- TOP cop Innocent Zimbwa stands accused of flexing his muscles and abusing office to shut down a popular watering hole in central Harare,Express Mail Zim has heard.

Reverend Obadiah Musindo stands accused of locking up girls for personal pleasure

ZANU PF aligned Reverend Obadiah Musindo of Destiny for Africa Network (DAN) is reportedly routinely locking up vulnerable girls (names supplied) at a Harare Hotel for his sexual pleasure before threatening them if they dare to report him, has learnt.

ZTA boss fires Chidzidzi and others over ‘unsanctioned’ US$40k holiday allowance

THE Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA )boat is rocking in turbulent waters amid reports that an urgent board meeting has been convened to address a potpourri of issues including the suspension of four executives namely chief operating officer Givemore Chidzidzi, human resources director Mr Munyoro, finance director Mr Chipuriwa and one Mr Chidzekete by chief executive Winnie Muchanyuka, Express Mail Zim can revea

Ken Sharpe Defies High Court Order, Continues Development of Pomona Land

HARARE – Despite a recent High Court ruling compelling the sale of a piece of land owned by controversial businessman Kenneth Raydon Sharpe, the development on the disputed property in Harare’s Pomona area continues unabated

Croco Motors fingered in Corruption scandal

The vehicle service giant, Croco Motors, has been accused of presenting wrongful information before the courts in a case involving a motorist who had her car wrongfully fueled with diesel, causing severe damage to the vehicle

Harare Magistrate under-fire for alleged bias In Croco Motors case

A Harare motorist Kudzayi Mundangepfupfu has filed a complaint with the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) against a magistrate presiding over her case against Croco Motors,Express Mail Zim can report

Midlands businessmen Peter Midglely, Kenias Sibanda fleece foreign investors in ‘ghost deals’

This is a long running, twisting and now accelerating story of how legitimate foreign investors in our backyard have been defrauded by prominent local “entrepreneurs” Peter Midgley and Kenias Sibanda – tarnishing Zimbabwe’s reputation as a preferred foreign direct investment destination

Who is Henrietta Rushwaya- The adventures

We take a tour back to 1968 in Masvingo when Henrietta Rushwaya was born and pass through multiple scandals from ZIFA to the most recent gold smuggling fiasco

Mwonzora MDC control bid sucked by High Court

High Court has declared that Senator Douglas Mwonzora‘s rise to power in the last purposes congress as the leader of MDC T was inconsistent with the law and thereby nullified

ZACC officer warned

A Zimbabwe Anti-corruption Commission (ZACC) officer Smart Mandofa who was arrested last week for abuse of office has been granted a ZWL100 000 by a Harare magistrate.

Bid to nail Tycon backfires for ZACC cop

Zimbabwe Anti-corruption Commission (ZACC) officer Mandofa Smart Marlon who was arrested yesterday (Friday) for fraud has been remanded into custody until Monday.

Gilad Shabtai’s illegal attempt at Adlecraft fails miserably

High Court judge Justice Manzunzu has interdicted businessmen Gilad Shabtai and Munyaradzi Gonyora from presenting themselves as part of Adlecraft Investments.

Women weaponizing the Justice System-Stunner

42-year-old hip-hop artist Desmond Chideme well known as ‘Stunner’, who was acquitted earlier today in a matter of domestic violence by Harare Magistrate Everlyn Mashayakure said women are weaponizing the justice system to score cheap points against men.

16 Artuz teachers likely to spend weekend behind bars

Obert Masaraure and 15 other teachers under the Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe who were arrested on Wednesday for demanding better salaries at NSSA are likely to spend the weekend in behind bars.

Judicial Service Commission move digital

Zimbabwe Judicial Service Commission (JSC) said that it is going to incorporate the use of ICT  to facilitate efficiency in the justice delivery system.