Ndibali is not President of EFF ZIM

ByStaff Reporter

February 27, 2022

Divisions seem to have mounted Zimbabwean politics, Nelson Chamisa rebranded from red to yellow after loosing the name battle to Douglas Mwonzora and Zimbabwe Economic Freedom Fighters is also caught in the turmoil.

In an interview with ZEFF spokesperson and Head of Information and Publicity, Everton Mutsauri sheds more light on the party’s battles and its involvement to Chamisa’s CCC.

Q: How far true is it that you are not a member of the ZEFF or you are not in any of their structures .?

A: I am a member of  Zimbabwe Economic Freedom Fighters ( (ZEFF) I also serve as its national spokesperson. The party rebranded early this year. It once used the tag, EFF Zim.

Q: Rumours have been circulating that you are working along with CCC, how far true is this?

A: I am not part of CCC nor is ZEFF  sponsored by CCC.CCC is an opposition party like ours which operates on its terms which are quite different from our party.

Q: Confusion on who is the president of your party can you clarify if Ndibali is still your Party President?

A: The so-called Ndibali who is claiming (self) as the president of EFF Zimbabwe is NOT our leader. He has been parading for too long claiming to be our leader. His avid appetite for power has led him to an arduous and strenuous operatic solo type of politics in which He has gone to personalize the People’s Revolution.

Ndibali was the founding President of EFF Zimbabwe,  however resigned due to massive, intense pressure from the ground forces and our structures that required a President who resided in Zimbabwe. The revolutionary party needed a President who shares the plight and situation of Zimbabwe with the people on the ground.Ndibali had to resign since he is based in the UK. He resigned and paved way for our current President Xolani Tshuma .His resignation letters are in our custody.

Q: Was his resignation in line with the Constitution of your party?

A: This was done in line with our constitution, as it stipulates that upon the resignation of the President the Vice President assumes the Presidency up until the next National People’s Assembly.

Ndibali later came back to Zimbabwe on a holiday and claimed that since he was the founding President he had the veto powers to assume back the Presidency without a National People’s Assembly. This was a direct blow to our constitution. He wanted us to sacrifice Constitutionalism against his power-hunger hallucinations. We refused mediocrity and “briefcase politics”.

Q: Was he suspended or expelled?

A:Ndibali continued with his monstrous and divisive politics. However he did not get any following. The party suspended him after serving him with several warning shots.

Q: Why didn’t you hold a Congress to elect a leader instead?

A: His unrepenting nature led him to a “congress” as he claimed which had less than 15 people.

Most of these were his relatives because he held the congress in his rural home area. No media coverage.No Representatives from other EFF Continental Movements.

Only 2 provinces were represented. The party declared the “congress” as bogus, unconstitutional, and void.

Q: Are you claiming that your founding leader is working with another party as he also claimed you are working for CCC?

A:Ndibali’s maneuvers were meant to direct the party to be the puppet “opposition “of Zanu Pf. He has since joined POLAD .

Q: Why do you think we’re some of his reasons for joining POLAD?

A: He is forcefully trying to penetrate to the favors ZANU PF.When he received news that POLAD officials have been given cars. He felt he needed to prove himself useful to ZANU PF by dislodging the People’s Hope. He is trying so hard to tint black the people’s revolution because he has betrayed it.

He mentions CCC sponsoring ZEFF  to destroy his club, as a way to be accorded a well-done remuneration package by Zanu pf for dividing the opposition and mainly our party. Unfortunately Zanu pf is not too dull, it chooses who to play with and who to ignore.Ndibali has since been ignored by Zanu Pf no matter how much he has tried to appease it(Zanu Pf.).Ndibali is, will be flushed away from the History of Zimbabwe as sell out, useless and directionless, ill advised fool.

Q: Can you confirm that you are rebranding from EFF Zimbabwe to another name?

A: After vigorous consultation from our members, supporters, and structures, EFF Zimbabwe rebranded to ZEFF.

We wanted to distance ourselves from Ndibali and his Anti people stunts, Let it Be known that EFF Zimbabwe is now called ZEFF.

All genuine Patriots are warmly welcomed to our big tent. Anything with EFF Zimbabwe is not the US and it’s not authentic and true to the revolution and plight of the people.

10. Ndibali continues to fight ZEFF on behalf of ZANU PF. We have stood the times and already worked the ground. We enjoy massive support.

Q: Won’t the division confuse your supporters during the voting day?

A: ZEFF however note seriously the need to safeguard our revolution from such individuals like Ndibali who are easily

.Fortunately enough our supporters have been taught and told that we have rebranded. Our worry is to the new fighters who may be misled by Ndibali . However the virtue that we are not dealing with Zanu and that we are not part of Polad madness will enable our sympathizers to select sheep from wolves.

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