ByStaff Reporter

April 10, 2024

SUSPENDED Orchestra Mberikwazvo lead dancer and choreographer, Selemane “Majuice” Mpochi, claims he is being persecuted by the musical group’s management for crimes he didn’t commit.   

The dancer was suspended last weekend for a number of transgressions, including routinely reporting late for duty.

His boss, Alick Macheso, told H-Metro that there were issues with the star dancer’s conduct, especially when it came to punctuality issues.

Majuice told H-Metro his fallout with management started when he reported for a show late in Chiredzi during the Easter holidays.

“I reported late for duty at 1am because I overslept at a lodge where we were staying with the other guys.

“My pay was garnished as a result of that and I thought it was enough punishment for me.

“I was later shocked to receive a call from management telling me that I was suspended and up to now I don’t know when the ban will be lifted,” he said.

Majuice added:

“I think there is more to this issue because I can’t be suspended for only reporting for duty late for only one show.

“People who work at big companies sometimes report late for work and what is needed is communication when you are running late.

“In my case, I wasn’t coming from home but we had a big tour which started in Harare during Easter before we toured Beitbridge and Chiredzi.”

He said his conscience was clear.

“At the moment I am okay and safe, the only thing that makes my conscience clear is that I did not quit my job but management worked against me.

“Our loyal fans should get this right because I have been loyal to Macheso even when things were down.

“I was banned from featuring in other artists’ videos by management and I complied with that because the Orchestra Mbrikwazvo brand is in my DNA,” he said.

Majuice is not the only star to leave the Orchestra Mberikwazvo outfit.

Slomo, who was the lead dancer, left the band in a huff in 2013 and formed Extra Kwazvose.

Slomo is now struggling with his band and has failed to make any impact.

H-Metro : https://www.hmetro.co.zw/i-am-being-persecuted-claims-defiant-majuice/

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