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Harare councillor Blessing Duma drug abuse accusations exposed in explicit rant on audio

Says he is after the ‘heads’ of Mafume ,councillors

Harare- AN audio containing vulgar and explicit content spewed by the chaiperson of the Harare City Council audit commitee and Ward 43 councillor Blessing Duma has received massive criticism on social media, Express Mail Zim can report.

The seemingly intoxicated Duma took a dig at mayor Jacob Mafume, Glen Dhliwayo,Denford Ngadziore and Stan Manyenga among others.

He openly threatened them without mincing his words and using deregatory language.

“I will start with Dhliwayo then Jacob(Mafume).

“All of you who are acting without the confines of the law I am coming after your heads.

“I am the chairman of the Audit Commitee and I approve everything even if you go to Mnangagwa (President Mnangagwa) he will tell you that Duma is the chairperson.

“Ndine munda wemalawyer, only that I dont want to be a lawyer, but I know what I want to know.
‘I dont give a fu***k,” fumed Duma.

He further claimed that he was going to expose corruption at Town House but ironically he was part of the cartel that was alllegedly bribed to push the reinstatement of some suspended top HCC officials along with Cllr Joseph Kunashe and Cllr Loveness Gomba.

In the scathing audio, Duma also blasted the Pomona Waste Management deal yet he was part of the councillors who pocketed USD12 000 in fees from HCC for “investigating” the Pomona deal which was already a done and legitimate deal with government backing.

CCC councillors were opposing the deal despite it beibg legally entered between HCC and Netherlands investor,Geogenix BV ,after being approved by approved by government.

The company is infact complementing government and council effforts in the ‘Chenesa Harare’ campaign.

Duma said (in the audio) that he was untouchable .

“I dont fear anyone at Town House,handibvume kushandiswa,” he said.

He also defended himself on allegations that he is a drug addict.

“They said I take mutoriro which is not true.
“I know they pay journalists to say that and the journalists take mbqnje and write those stories under the influence,” further fumed Duma.

This publication understands that the embattled Duma is also threatening council on handling demolition cases and eviction matters arising from the regularisation process.

Duma, a land baron also allegedly pocketed millions from Sunningdale and Crowborough invasions promising desperate homeseekers to regularise their stands.

He was not available for comment at the time of writing but this publication has documented his damning audio rant.

Source ZimLive


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