Gilad Shabtai’s illegal attempt at Adlecraft fails miserably

ByStaff Reporter

February 27, 2023 , ,

High Court judge Justice Manzunzu has interdicted businessmen Gilad Shabtai and Munyaradzi Gonyora from presenting themselves as part of Adlecraft Investments.

On the 29th November 2021, Honorable J Musithu ordered that an illegal irregular board resolution which had been ‘executed’ by previous non-executive directors of Adlecraft Investments, Gilad Shabtai and his driver Munyaradzi Gonyora, on 1 October 2021 be suspended until its validity could be determined.

They were both interdicted from implementing the terms of that resolution which sought to place Adlecraft Investments under Corporate Rescue as an attempt to take control over the company in August 2021.

On the 15 September 2022, the matter was brought before Honorable J Manzunzu, who reserved judgement until the 22 February 2023, whereby it was ordered that:

“The illegal and highly irregular resolution which was ‘executed’ by Shabtai and his puppet was confirmed as being permanently suspended when they lied to the courts that the company was likely to be in financial distress in the near future. The provisional order granted by this court on 29 November 2021 be and is hereby confirmed,” the judge said.

“This same resolution was declared null and void – The resolution dated 1 October 2021 attached to the application marked ‘E’ endorsed under CRP3/21 is declared null and void and is hereby set aside’

“Adlecraft Investments has only ever been issued with 20 shares since inception therefore Shabtai’s false claim that he holds 980 shares through another company is completely unfounded. The Honorable Judge confirmed this as undisputed and that Mr Ofer Sivan legally acquired the entire share capital of Adlecraft Investments in 2012 – Adlecraft Investments (Private) Limited has only issued 20 shares.”

The Judge also ordered Gilad Shabtai and Munyaradzi Gonyora to pay the legal costs pertaining to this case to Mr Ofer Sivan – ‘The first and second respondents are ordered to pay the applicant’s costs on the ordinary scale’

Once again, this is another victory for Mr Ofer Sivan whereby the two fraudsters Gilad Shabtai and his driver Munyaradzi Gonyora, who are also fugitives from justice after they fled the country running away from numerous criminal investigations for money laundering, tax evasion, theft of trust property and more, lied blatantly to the courts in a hostile attempt to take over the company from Mr Ofer Sivan,

In a previous case concerning the illegal opening of an account with Getbucks Microfinance Bank, Honorable J Chitapi ordered that Gilad Shabtai and Munyaradzi Gonyora be declared to have committed acts of fraud against Adlecraft Investments and misappropriation of company funds.

They were ordered to repay the amount of US$1,300,000 jointly and severally. It was also ordered that they be removed from directorship of the company and Mr Ofer Sivan was ordered to appoint a new board of Directors with immediate effect. This Getbucks account was frozen by virtue of a court order once it was brought to the attention of the authorities.

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