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Gold Mafia Kingpin Simon Rudland In Desperate Bid To Sanitize Soiled Image

Controversial businessman Simon Rudland has embarked on an image restoration campaign following revelations that he is the kingpin of a money laundering cartel that is plunging Zimbabwe’s economy into oblivion.

Rudland, regarded as one of Zimbabwe’s richest men, was exposed last year in an Al Jazeera documentary titled “The Gold Mafia,” which sent shockwaves across the globe.

Also read: Gold Mafia Al Jazeera Documentary Timeline

In a video clip circulating on social media, Rudland is seen attempting to portray his business empire as sustained by his farming ventures, cigarette business, hard work, and good rapport with his employees.

“As you can see in the video, SR (Simon Rudland) is a farmer at heart and truly cares and appreciates his employees. Our goal is to continue to spread the truth about SR,” he wrote, captioning the video on Twitter before adding, “our goal is to continue to spread the truth about SR.”

However, the stunt was met with mixed emotions, with a section of netizens berating the public relations efforts.

“Why is this guy not in jail?” Twitter user Trojan Horse commented.

“SARS should deal with this one for money laundering and other predicate crimes,” said user @TriggermanTTT.

While others could only see the gold mafia kingpin portrayed by Al Jazeera.

“Gold Mafia in Chief,” said @Tanya Zhou.

“What a guy. Mafia in Chief,” added @MandereJohn.

However, a different section praised the man.

“Simon is like that for real. He has a charming character even among his workers. Your normal kind of guy,” commented @Dudi.

“But Simon, mukomana guys. Anotsvaga mari muchinda uyo zvimwe ndezvimwe. I admire his tenacity,” said @Tongai Kasukuvere.



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