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Zimbabwe Intensifies Aids Fights

HARARE –The Zimbabwean government is working towards the goal of ending the HIV and AIDS epidemic and this is in line with the 2021 -2022 theme that was launched for World Aids Day.

By Tracy Mazhura

“End pandemics, End inequalities, End AIDS’’

Zimbabwe has managed to achieve the goal set by UNAIDS for 2020 of the 90–90–90 targets which is 90% of people knowing their HIV status, 90% of those diagnosed with HIV on antiretroviral treatment, and 90% of those receiving treatment achieving viral suppression and the country is now working toward the 95–95–95 targets for 2025.

In Southern Africa, Zimbabwe has the least HIV and AIDS prevalence rate with  12.9% as compared to other countries like South Africa which has a prevalence of 26.3%, and Botswana which has a prevalence of 20.3 %.

According to the research which was done in 2020 by Zimbabwe Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (ZIMPHIA) and the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) showed that the country has been able to manage HIV and AIDS infections

The report found that 86.8% of adults living with HIV were aware of their status and of those aware of their status, 97.0 % were on antiretroviral treatment. Among those on treatment, 90.3 % achieved viral load suppression and generally, it is proven that HIV prevalence has been higher among women than men (15.3 % vs. 10.2 % respectively.

Over 90% of people on life-saving antiretroviral treatment in Zimbabwe are virally suppressed, which keeps them healthy and effectively eliminates the possibility of sexually transmitting HIV to their partners.

The Permanent Secretary, retired Air Commodore, Dr. Jasper Chimedza for MoHCC said that the surveys carried out assisted government oversee the progress they have made and also knowing the areas they need to focus in the future.


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