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Zanu PF are cowards: Independent candidate

HARARE East Independent candidate for the April 27 by-election, Ropafadzo Cynthia Cheza says the ruling Zanu PF party is displaying cowardice by allegedly influencing banning of her campaign rally.

Cheza, who is contesting against Zanu PF candidate Kiven Mutimbanyoka, however, believes she will win the by-election.

Last week police banned Cheza’s rally despite allowing Zanu PF to hold its gathering which was addressed by Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga.

“It has always been Zanu PF dirty tactics to create an uneven playing field for its opponents,” Cheza told NewsDay in an interview yesterday.

“They held their rally last week, but went on to ban mine. I am, however, unfazed by their cowardice strategies because I have confidence in the electorate which wants meaningful change that ushers in good governance and opportunities for prosperity.”

Cheza also said at Chikurubi Maximum Prison she was denied an opportunity to paste her campaign posters despite Zanu PF having theirs there.

She has since raised the issue with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission which has reportedly promised to look into it.

Cheza said once in Parliament she would push for laws that ensured good governance, respect for human rights and access to affordable health for all in the country, among a long list of his wishes.

On the issue of having Nelson Chamisa on her posters Cheza maintained that she was an Independent candidate, but believed in the leadership of the former Citizens Coalition for Change leader.

“It is not like Advocate Chamisa has formed a new party and endorsed (me), but when he resigned from CCC, I also resigned and still believe in his leadership capabilities,” she said.

Meanwhile, Mutimbanyoka said Saturday’s by-election was a mere formality because he has already won “courtesy of Zanu PF’s second republic accomplishments”.

Source | ZiMetro


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