HARARE – A 27-year-old Mutare woman forced her 7-year-old son to place his hands on top of a gas stove resulting in burns to the minor.
The woman, a resident of the border city’s Dangamvura suburb, was convicted at the Mutare Magistrates’ Court on charges of contravening the Children’s Act.
The matter, the court was told, happened on the 27 May 2024 at around 7AM when the woman was at home with her son.
She accused the boy of stealing some sweets.
“She forced him to put his hands on top of a lit gas stove as punishment. The 7-year-old sustained burns on four of his left hand fingers.
“The accused person was convicted and sentenced to pay a fine of US$300 or 60 months imprisonment in default of payment,” read a statement by the National Prosecuting Authority.
Source | ZimLive