“Winky D might die if not prayed for”

A prominent Harare Prophet, Solomon Gwashu of Shoreline Ministries International has prophesied that popular musician Winky D might die if not prayed for soon.

In a Facebook post on his profile, the prophet wrote “I saw R.I.P Gaffa messages flooding everywhere . We pray for the will of God to prevail. May His life be saved from what’s coming” said Gwashu.

Whether or not his spiritual lenses are clear, what befell the Chanter in Chitungwiza and the election season Zimbabwe is entering into is a cause for concern.

Zanu PF supporters and top government officials label him ‘anti-goverment’ because of his musical messages.

The Harare preacher has also made a series of prophecies for this 2023 sometime in late October 2022, of which some are believed to have happened.

Among the prophecies is one which was given in riddles and widely believed to be talking about Opposition leader Job Sikhala’s health which was reiterated that it’s about to happen.

The prophecy reads “Let’s pray for the 18th book in the bible, I saw the same thing that took the First leader of the book’s side taking the 18th book. Cancer cancer”

These prophecies can be found on this social media page https://www.facebook.com/psgwash?mibextid=LQQJ4d

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