Tinashe Mutarisi behind DNA Closure ban?-

Nash Paints CEO Tinashe Mutarisi is believed to be behind the ban of Mugabe’s popular ‘Closure DNA Show’ by the Medical Laboratory and Clinical Scientists Council of Zimbabwe, Spot News can reveal.

Popular businessman recently raised concerns over the show on his Facebook account saying its inconsiderate.

In a post which was later on retarded he said “Ko vana vanenge vari involved?……

“I am actually consulting my lawyers to see what might be done..”

Soon after the deleted post Medical Laboratory and Clinical Scientists Council of Zimbabwe released the following statement despite Mutarisi’s U turn on the matter.

The Medical Laboratory & Clinical Scientists Council of Zimbabwe (MLCSCZ) is a
regulatory authority established in terms of Part IX, Section 49 of the Health
Professions Act, Chapter 27:19.

Subject to Health Professions Act, (Chapter 27:19) the functions of the Council are:
(a) to assist in the promotion of the health of the population of Zimbabwe; and

(b) to regulate, control and supervise all matters affecting the training of persons in,
and the manner of the exercise of, the medical laboratory professions and;

(c) to advise the Minister on any matter affecting the medical laboratory profession
or calling; and

(d) to communicate to the Minister information on matters of public importance
acquired by the Council in the performance of its functions under this Act.

One of such matter of public importance acquired by the Council in the performance
of its functions under the Health Professions Act (Chapter 27:19) is the publication of
unscientifically substantiated percentage paternity tests results in the Sunday Mail of
5 September 2021.

The Medical Laboratory & Clinical Scientists Council of Zimbabwe would like to set
the record straight:
➢ Global DNA Zimbabwe and Expediate DNA Zimbabwe are registered with
Council as DNA collection sites and not testing sites.

➢ According to the Health Professions Act, medical laboratory test is requested
for by qualified and registered clinicians.

➢ Upon successful completion of the testing process, the test results are sent
back to the requesting clinicians who are qualified to advise patients and
clients in an ethical manner.

➢ Professional Code of Conducts of various health professionals in Zimbabwe
clearly states that divulging either orally or in writing, any information
concerning a patient/client test result ought not to be divulged to third parties
except where so required by law.

➢ Mr Tinashe Mugabe of Global DNA of The Closure DNA Show and Jane of
Expediate DNA Zimbabwe Tilder Live Zim Show are not registered members
of the Medical Laboratory & Clinical Scientists Council of Zimbabwe nor sister
Health Professional Councils in Zimbabwe.

➢ Mr Tinashe Mugabe and Jane are not professionally qualified nor competent
to issue those test results.

➢ Therefore, the Medical Laboratory & Clinical Scientists Council of Zimbabwe
condemns such unethical practice on the poor and the marginalised
population by Global DNA Zimbabwe and Expediate DNA Zimbabwe.

➢ The Medical Laboratory & Clinical Scientists Council of Zimbabwe urges the
Zimbabwean population not to be coerced into receiving Paternity results in
such unprofessional manner.

Mutarisi later on released a public apology after social media went blazing supporting Mugabe’s show citing that it was crucial and discourages promiscuity in marriages.

Part of the statement posted on his Facebook page said

“You also mentioned that discussing about this on social media might negatively affect the business side of the companies operations huye ini as a businessman ndanga ndichifanirwa kungozvizivira ndoga, I was also supposed to meet and air my grievances privately…..

Ndadzidza kuti chirongwa ichi chirikudiwa nevazhinji huye varikuti chiri kugadzirisa nyika

In a nutshell I WAS WRONG mandiratidza gwara”

The Closure Show is a platform where Tinashe Mugabe do free DNA tests to families if they consider to be recorded on the camera.

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