Prophet Makandiwa Dismisses BBC TB JOSHUA Documentary!

ByStaff Reporter

January 22, 2024

Massive support pours in for Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa as he bravely addresses the damaging documentary by the BBC on the late Prophet TB Joshua.

The leader of UFI asserted that judging the late Nigerian televangelist was not the responsibility of the BBC and that the documentary’s reliance on videos—which are subject to editing for political purposes—did not establish TB Joshua’s lack of authority, his involvement in sex crimes and rituals, or his ability to manufacture miracles.

Prophet Makandiwa remarked, “A lot can happen, events can change, and I do not remember if there was any prophet who gave international prophecies like TB Joshua.”

He was the first to make worldwide prophesies that were documented.

“Anyone claiming to have made these prophecies needs to present the videos to us.”

“Most people that I know, who consider themselves as prophets, they use physical means to get information about people using physical, natural sources or sending people to collect information, sending people for counseling or from a cell group to collect information.

“Some prophets use information that they get from people and such prophets do not engage in rituals to get information.

“You do not need to cut the head of a man and you take out his heart and you eat it raw so that you can get information from social media about a person, the two do not go together.

“I am educating you, teaching you in case next time you want to attack a man, make sure that you are reasonable.”

He added:

“Even Nigeria and the government confirm that Prophet TB Joshua was a religious attraction, contributed much to the country’s economy and some claim that such a person had no power.

“If he did anything in his prophecies or editing, I would not discredit a man of God because he removed something from his prophecies, God removed a lot of things and is the one who started the editing.

“God does not give someone everything, he remains with other information.

“It’s not everything that you see in the spiritual realm that He tells you to disclose, even the Bible was edited and we were given 66 books.

“Verses and chapters were not in the Canon Scripture and some of the books were added.

“Try to appeal to logic, make sense of what you are saying next time, I do not want to believe that charms give a prophet information when he has disciples.

“I am saying this so that next time, if you want to destroy someone, try to do a better job than this.

“Anytime when you want to destroy someone, sacrifice one side and leave the other because not all of his miracles were fake.

“The rituals were for what, after all his church is not the biggest in Nigeria and in terms of membership. He had few members in Nigerria as compared to other leaders with many members but not accused of any rituals.

“If he was drinking people’s blood for a long life he could not have died, give us the reason for the rituals.”

And, there has been overwhelming support for prophet Makandiwa online and here are some of the comments:


The legacy of Jesus Christ through the life of Prophet TB Joshua and other genuine servants of God lives on forever. — Evangelist_Simbarashe_Sabau.


This is wisdom! This manner of analysis is wisdom. This is wisdom dissecting session. Thank you for being genuine Prophet. — @jeanninekriesel993.


This wisdom is what this world needs. — @rosalindfavour8190.


Wow, heavenly wisdom on its level, thank you so much our Prophet. — @sylviamaite5416.


How he manages to maintain composure, calm and neutrality should be an area of study, I am blessed to be part of the generation that you speak to. — @deardiary824.


Success makes fathers but failure makes orphans, so profound. — @psalmisthubertc2742


This level of wisdom can only be from a hallowed vessel. Thanks sir for the enlightenment. Unbiased analysis. — @nelsonayebillaatubilla1756.


This is so honest and deep! Thank you Jesus. — @reginaldodoi706.


That’s true, Prophet TB started that move of giving international prophecies. — @haggailongwe6190.


Zimbabwe is BLESSED to have Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa! He is literally one of the wisest men I’ve ever heard speak. Greetings from Nigeria. — @joyceobiakor.


Prophet TB Joshua, Prophet Samuel Kakande our Daddy. From India. — @chirujason9812.


Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa thank you. We needed this teaching not just to get clarity but we as Christians tend to relax and forget the goal is heaven. Eye-opening thank you man of God. — @rachelangel163.

Source ZiMetro

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