Neville’s trial fails to take off

ByStaff Reporter

July 19, 2024

THE trial of Zanu PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa’s son, Neville, failed to take off on Wednesday, with the State saying it was yet to finalise its investigations.

Neville faces charges of illegal forex currency dealings and money laundering.

He is jointly charged with Simbarashe Tichingana and Elis Majachani.

They appeared before Harare provincial magistrate Simon Kandiyero on Wednesday.

The magistrate postponed the matter to August 28.

Neville faces a separate charge of breaching the Telecommunications Act after he was allegedly found to be in illegal possession of a Starlink router.

The government has since licensed Starlink.

The accused persons are represented by their lawyer Shepherd Makonde.

He is the first high profile politically exposed person to be charged with illegal foreign currency dealings after the government launched a crackdown against suspected money changers following the introduction of the new currency, the Zimbabwe Gold, in April after government ditched the Zimdollar.

Meanwhile, the daughter of the politician and village head Temba Mliswa, M’diwa Chanetsa, who was found in possession of 1,3 grammes of crystal meth, was deferred to July 29 for trial commencement.

She is jointly charged together with Tawanda Chigudu (27) for unlawful possession of a dangerous drug.

They appeared before Harare magistrate Simon Kandiyero on Wednesday

State prosecutor Thomas Chanakira alleged that on February 22, detectives from CID Drugs Harare received information that the two were in possession of drugs at a house in Avonlea, Harare.

The detectives visited the house, conducted a search and found the drugs.

Source | NewsDay

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