Mwonzora launch By-Election Campaign

President of the MDC Alliance Douglas Togarasei Mwonzora launched his byelection campaign in Highfields in a bid to fill the vacant posts on the 26th of March, which appeared in parliament and councils after recalls and deaths.

Addressing the crowd Mwonzora said he is determined to bring change to Zimbabweans through his party despite parting ways with Citizens Coalition for Change Advocate Nelson Chamisa.

“We are the real Alliance, we fought for our name now it’s time to fight for the betterment of our citizens,” said Mwonzora.

In attendance were also representatives from different political parties who had come together to ally with the late Morgan Richard Tsvangirai.

Zanu Ndonga, PDP, Zim PF among other political parties were presented.

“Alliance is still there and we represent it, the problem is with people who think Chamisa’s group is the alliance. We allied with the MDC T which was led by Morgan Tsvangirai and is now being led by Douglas Mwonzora” said Bote from ZANU NDONGA.

Nhlobizita Khumalo the National Spokesperson of the PDP said

“We are the MDC Alliance and we recognize Douglas Mwonzora as our leader”

The MDC Alliance leader said that dialogue is key to making sure that a better Zimbabwe is seen, he also pledged to fight corruption and poverty.

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