“I Had To Sleep With 14 Doctors Every Day For My Mother’s Treatment”

ByStaff Reporter

February 28, 2024

In a desperate bid to save her ailing mother, a woman identified as Zaila from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, has sparked a heated debate after admitting to engaging in s*xual relations with 14 doctors.

Zaila’s mother had been diagnosed with a stroke, but further medical examinations revealed an underlying battle with cancer. Unable to afford the mounting medical expenses and provide for her family’s basic needs, Zaila resorted to extreme measures to ensure her mother received adequate care.

The revelation of Zaila’s actions has ignited a firestorm of controversy on social media platforms, with divergent reactions from users across Tanzania. While some have expressed sympathy for Zaila’s plight, acknowledging the immense financial strain she faced and the sacrifices made to support her family, others have condemned her actions and called for accountability.

According to reports, Zaila’s mother’s health crisis left the family in dire straits, struggling to cover medical bills and meet everyday expenses. Faced with limited options and overwhelmed by the urgency of her mother’s deteriorating condition, Zaila allegedly turned to the doctors treating her mother, offering s*xual favors in exchange for financial assistance and medical care.

“They would then take advantage and threaten me that if I ever tell anyone what they did to me then my mother would never be treated, ” Zaila said.

“And I had to comply with the rules just to see wether I would save my mother. My relatives and other family members never lent a helping hand yet many of them were financially stable. So I had to take matter into my own hands,” she said.

Here are social media reactions:


“All these doctors must loose their linsences and arrested and jailed.”


“Human rights activists in Tanzania should take her case up and ensure that all those doctors are brought to justice. She must name the hospitals under which the doctors operated.”


“It will be so good to have the names of these “doctors” who would do this wicked and heartless evil. The world needs to have them on the front page so that other poor victims can know them.”


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