1.Water supply at MRT House was disconnected due to a ZW$2Million debt .

  1. Electricity was bridged direct from Zesa line by one Joseph Chikopo the building caretaker ( Zesa should visit MRT House now) , debt amounts to millions again.
  2. The Party Finance and Admin committee made a resolution to pay all pending ZESA and water bills. Money was processed but nothing was paid towards clearance of arrears. #DemLoot
  3. There are no toilet facilities including toilet chambers at MRT House from first floor to sixth floor , there is odor everywhere in the building. Human excreta can be visibly seen at toilet entries.
  4. No locks in almost 95% of MRT doors from first floor to sixth floor . Most rooms are now used as brothels
  5. All heavy duty Printing machines which used to print Change Times Newsletters, Posters & Computers were looted at the underground back office , majority of these computers were sold at the next building Roseline House & Dublin House in Harare CBD .
  6. Rentals from the attched She & He Shop are being collected by an individual(name to supplied).
  7. MRT was completely deserted months ago and its now controlled by some rowdy youths. Majority of the Party leadership are frustrated.
  8. MDC-T is now operating from a church in Hatfield. Money disbursed by the Treasury is not accounted for…..massive looting in progress.

NB. In the next edition we will give full details of all the fraudulent payments done in the name of providing service to the Party. The names of the payment beneficiaries will include known links with Party leadership.

(MDC-T MP, Standing Committee Member)

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