Harare to dry out by 2030

ByStaff Reporter

February 3, 2022


Harare- Fifty percent of Harare wetlands are going to run dry by 2030, the Harare Wetland Trust has warned

The capital is already facing water supply challenges and the continued construction and settlement on the wetlands will destroy the wetland ecology of preserving water

Briefing the media today at the media center, Dr. Rob Cunliffe a researcher and member of the Harare Wetlands Trust emphasized that

“the wetlands must be preserved for the safety of different species as well as for the aiming of putting an end to global warming,” he said

Some bodies are condoned to play a part in the wetland preservation such as the City of Harare, the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works and the Environmental Management Agency.

Cunliffe said that ” authorisation and permits are being handed out by without following procedures from the elected bodies which are mandated to preserve and protect the wetlands”

The executive director of the Harare Residents Structure outlined that politics is also playing a pivotal role in the occupation and housing construction in wetlands as people are occupying these preserved lands on political grounds

“wetlands are now being used as a basis for gaining votes through political structures,” said Shumba.

Not only is human settlement a danger to the environment but it also poses a danger to those people that reside in such areas

“Budiriro ward 35 and 43 are a clear example of the wetland area that has been settled which poses danger to both the environment and the people residing in it,” he said

Due to fear of being relocated people are finding comfort in staying in such areas where in case of high rainfall houses are flooded and some washed away

“This might also be a result that Harare might be having shortages of proper land for human settlement,” said Shumba

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