ED’s chopper fails to land in Mutare

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Mutare visit to officiate the country’s first biggest oxygen plant failed due to bad weather Spot News can reveal.

The State Owned company ‘Verify’ has now completed the oxygen plant which was started in 2005 and President Mnangagwa was supposed to officiate opening of the plant today the President Spokesperson George Charamba confirmed.

“COMMISSIONING OF OXYGEN PLANT CALLED OFF ON ACCOUNT OF WEATHER: Mutare is heavily overcast, typically so though!!!

Helicopters carrying VVIPs could not cut through the befogged murkiness to safely land. Consequently the official launch of the Oxygen Plant developed by Verify”

The Government built the oxygen plant through Harare Institute of Technology and the project is expected to assist in the fight against Covid 19.

“Higher Education Project key to fighting Covid-19, has had to be called off for another day soon.” added Charamba

President Emmerson Mnangagwa will officiate the plant next week according to his Spokesperson.

Zimbabwe has been importing the life saving gas from other countries.

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