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Chris Mutsvangwa’s Farm Bombed, Burnt Down After Clash With Mnangagwa

By Farai D Hove | ZimEye | Reports have emerged from the ZANU PF community that their spokesman Chris Mutsvangwa’s farm was subjected to a violent attack on Christmas Eve, amid the political tensions leading to his removal from a ministerial position. The incident, which has only recently come to light, involves the alleged bombing and burning of Mutsvangwa’s Halfway Tobacco farm.

Activist Kerina Mujati has brought this alarming incident to public attention, questioning the apparent silence from journalists regarding the matter. According to Mujati, the attack occurred during a time of heightened political discord between Mutsvangwa and Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa, suggesting a possible link to their notorious public disagreements.

The attack reportedly involved the use of grenades, leading to the destruction of the farm’s tobacco crop, along with significant financial losses. Mujati’s account indicates that Chris Mutsvangwa and his family narrowly escaped harm during the incident. This violent act raises serious concerns about the safety of political figures in Zimbabwe and the extreme measures taken against them amidst political rivalries.

Furthermore, Mujati highlighted a separate tragedy affecting the Mutsvangwa family, with the loss of another grandchild in Kenya in September 2023. This detail underscores the series of misfortunes befalling Chris Mutsvangwa and his family, painting a grim picture of their current circumstances.

Mutsvangwa was still to comment over the incident.

State House was mute over the development.

The fate of the former minister falls short on the heels of swirling reports within the party particularly in Mash West areas, stemming from a contentious deliberation that accuses him of an embarrassing relationship with one of his superiors, details of which are unprintable. The superior’s name is also unprintable.

Central Committee member, Phillip Chiyangwa speaking on file video, says in ZANU PF men are forced to surrender their ‘bedroom porridge’ to their seniors, a practice observed since the 1960s.

In the shadowed halls of power, where whispers wind their way,
A minister, once held aloft, now sees his fate’s decay.
Entwined in silent stories, with roots too deep to tell,
His path, once paved with promise, leads to a private hell.

Amidst the swirling tempest of the party’s inner strife,
He’s caught within a maelstrom, that’s stripped him of his life.
Accusations, veiled in darkness, where names dare not be read,
Speak of bonds unspoken, and paths one should not tread.

For in the dance of dominion, where secrets hold their sway,
The price of whispered allegiances is oft too steep to pay.
Thus, the former minister, ensnared by silent chains,
Finds his legacy in ruins, as the specter of disgrace remains.

The ZANU PF community and wider Zimbabwean society are now grappling with the implications of this attack, raising questions about the state of political discourse and the extent. – ZimEye


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