Cheza Supreme Court Appeal

ByStaff Reporter

March 13, 2024

Gweru-based entrepreneur and former CCC candidate for Chirumhanzu South, Patrick Cheza, has taken his case to the Supreme Court following a ruling by High Court Judge Justice Garainesu Mawadze permitting his eviction from S/D 43 Mahara Farm, situated near Mvuma. Cheza, among the 61 farmers settled at Mahara Farm, stands out as the sole individual targeted for eviction by the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development, despite having invested a substantial sum of US$200,000 into the farm’s development.

Represented by his legal counsel, Nyasha Maguranyanga of Mutendi, Mudisi, and Shumba Legal Practitioners, Cheza contests the ruling on grounds of constitutional infringement. The appeal argues that Justice Mawadze’s decision to grant Cheza’s eviction was erroneous, asserting Cheza’s entitlement to consultation by the Ministry before any eviction proceedings.

The appeal document highlights the misconception made by the lower court in deeming Cheza ineligible for pre-eviction consultation, emphasizing Cheza’s legal right to be heard and consulted prior to any adverse actions taken against him.

In his pursuit for justice, Cheza seeks an order from the Supreme Court affirming his rightful ownership of the plot, while simultaneously restraining both the Ministry and any parties attempting to seize control of the farm.

Cheza’s investment in Mahara Farm is substantial and multifaceted, including the establishment of greenhouses, borehole installations, implementation of a solar power system, and the management of a diverse livestock portfolio comprising 105 cattle, 136 goats of a premium breed, and 56 sheep. Moreover, his operations support a workforce of 50 employees, whose livelihoods are intricately tied to the farm’s activities.


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