Cabinet approves modernisation of Chirundu Border Post

ByStaff Reporter

July 24, 2024

CABINET has approved  a public-private partnership between the Transport and Infrastructural Development ministry and Chirundu Border Consortium for the upgrade and modernisation of the Chirundu One Stop Border Post.

Speaking during post-Cabinet briefing yesterday, Information minister Jenfan Muswere said the project would be implemented under the build, operate, own and transfer model over a period of 20 years.

Chirundu Border Consortium will be responsible for renovating existing border post buildings and infrastructure, constructing new buildings, weighbridges, roads and parking lots, among others.

“In line with government policy of promoting a private sector-led economy, Chirundu Border Consortium will fully provide the required funds to cover the estimated project cost to the tune of US$66,8 million.”

Turning to the upcoming Heroes Day, Muswere said the  number of national heroes and heroines countrywide stood at 213, with 198 interred at the national shrine.

“The 14th of May every year was set aside for National Honours and Awards Conferment ceremony and in view of the exigencies that prevented the holding of the same on the designated day, the Honours and Awards Conferment Ceremony will be held as a joint event with the heroes commemoration as in previous years.

“However, starting next year, a separate conferment ceremony will be held on the stipulated date, with the nomination process already underway.”

Muswere said Cabinet also  considered and noted the update on the acceleration of irrigation development for national food security and rural modernisation and industrialisation plan.

“As a result of the launch of the Accelerated Irrigation Rehabilitation and Development Plan, average irrigable area developed increased from 487ha per year during the period 1980 to 2019 to an average of 9 600ha per year during the 5-year period 2019 to 2024.”

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