Spot News ZW

Zimbabwe News Owls

Staff Reporter

Mahusekwa Woman Post Vaccination Experience- Spot News ZW

We talked to one of Mahusekwa Rural Community and she shared her post vaccination experience, you can watch below

Police ban carrying of traditional weapons in Harare- Spot News ZW

The Zimbabwe Republic Police has banned the carrying of weapons that might cause public disorder or breach of peace in Harare, in terms of section 4 of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act (MOPA) Chapter 11:23).

Breaking News: Travel between Chitungwiza, Norton to Harare prohibited – Spot News ZW

Under the Covid19 induced lockdown level 4, which banned intercity travel, those from Chitungwiza or Norton, you are prohibited from getting into Harare unless you are providing essential service-Government clarifies intercity travel ban

1 million Zimbabweans vaccinated- Spot News ZW

President Emmerson Mnangagwa said 1 million Zimbabweans has been vaccinated against Covid19.

Watch Bushiri prophecy on SA Crisis- Spot News ZW

Self proclaimed Malawian Prophet Shepherd Bushiri allegedly prophesied the unrests in South Africa late last year.

BREAKING NEWS: Makomborero Haruzivishe granted bail

MDC Alliance Activist Makomborero Haruzivishe who was in prison for inciting public violence has been granted bail pending appeal at High Court earlier today.

CJ Malaba Court Case live on Tv- Spot New ZW

Zimbabwe Broadcasting Cooperation has once again acquired sole approval to film Chief Justice Luke Malaba’s court case. The court case can be viewed on Facebook ZBC News Online or

Passion Java a gold smuggler-Spot News ZW

Known for flamboyance that manifests itself in driving top of the range of vehicles, President Emmerson Mnangagwa newfound ally—prophet Pangani Passion Java is a smuggler of gold, ivory, and diamonds.

Gov to deploy army in a bid to boost vaccination- Spot News ZW

Government, in efforts to address concerns over shortage of health workers, is set to deploy army personnel to assist in fast tracking the vaccination process as COVID-19 cases continue to soar.

Lockdown Down Extended by 2 weeks- Spot News

President Emmerson Mnangagwa today extended the Level 4 lockdown with another 2 weeks, this was addressed during his address at State House.

Zimbabwe to receive 1.5 million doses of Vaccine next Thursday- Mthuli Ncube

Zimbabwe is set to receive an extra 1.5 million doses of vaccine next Thursday purchased from China. This was revealed by Minister of Finance Mthuli Ncube earlier today at Robert Mugabe International Airport while receiving 2 million doses of vaccine from The People’s Republic of China.

Zimbabwe National Army Commander Lieutenant-General Edzai Chimonyo died

Zimbabwe National Army Commander Lieutenant-General Edzai Chimonyo died last night. More to follow

Exemption letters now mandatory- Government

Government has announced that the country is adopting the 2020 lockdown measures which had exemption letters as mandatory. This was announced today during the Cabinet briefing by Minister Mutsvangwa.

Exemption letters now requirement- Government

Government has announced that the country is adopting the 2020 lockdown measures which had exemption letters as mandatory. This was announced today during the Cabinet briefing by Minister Mutsvangwa More coming

$50 notes into circulation tomorrow

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has announced that it is going to release $50 Zimbabwe Dollar Notes tomorrow the 7th of July 2021. In a statement released by the RBZ Governor, the Bank is going to release ZW$ 360 million into circulation and Zimbabweans must be able to withdraw the new notes in the morning of the 7th from banks across the country

Kazembe Kazembe talks about army deployment

Watch Minister of Home Affairs Hon Kazembe Kazembe talks about army deployment in enforcing Covid19 enhanced lockdown.

It’s not fair to force vaccination on health workers-Nurses

Zimbabwe Nurses Association Enock Dongo says the government should not go ahead with forcing health workers to be vaccinated since the process was declared to be voluntary. Talking to Spot news on the issue Dongo said…

Vaccination Demand Outweighing Supply in Zimbabwe- Minister

Chairperson of the COVID19 taskforce Minister Oppah Muchinguri said there is more demand of vaccination than the supplies coming in the country at the moment. She said this during a press briefing in Harare this week.

Goromonzi Council defied order to stop demolitions- Zanu PF

Zanu PF Acting Political Commissar Patrick Chinamasa blame Goromonzi Town Council for defying a government order on demolitions.

WATCH Minister Kazembe Kazembe press briefing on the enhanced Lockdown

WATCH Minister Kazembe Kazembe press briefing on the enhanced Lockdown