Parirenyatwa Hospital: A Magnet For Fake Doctors?

ByStaff Reporter

April 29, 2024

Blessing Nyanzira, aged 24, found himself in handcuffs when he attempted to saunter past a staff security checkpoint during the lunch hour break. His elaborate facade as a medical professional quickly crumbled under scrutiny.

Nyanzira produced two identity cards, each with a different name, and told a story about being a seasoned physician. But his lies quickly came to an end when watchful security guards checked his statements with hospital officials and the dean of the University of Zimbabwe’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Services, who both denied them.

When Nyanzira appeared in court on Saturday, the events leading up to his confrontation with reality were described in court records. On a routine patrol, Claude Nyangani, a Loss Control Supervisor at Parirenyatwa, came across Nyanzira.

Nyangani noticed Nyanzira because he was wearing a scrub jacket with the words “Blessing Nyanzira” all over it and had a stethoscope hanging around his neck.

When Nyanzira’s two conflicting identity cards were examined closely, suspicions were raised.

Nyanzira quickly lost credibility after making false claims to be a doctor while travelling to meet with Dr. Ndurukwa of the Zimbabwe National Army in the central business district of Harare.

When approached, Dr. Ndurukwa denied ever knowing Nyanzira as a medical colleague.

Nyanzira then desperately changed his statement, claiming to be a University of Zimbabwe medical student. However, more research showed that Nyanzira had never taken classes there.

This incidence occurs after the referral hospital seen cases akin to it. Douglas Mutoredzanwa was arrested for his hilarious gaffe of holding an X-ray upside down, and at the same hospital, Felix Tagonera played a gynaecologist with no shame.

Source | ZiMetro

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