Cop steals US$25k robbery money

ByStaff Reporter

March 26, 2024

A POLICE officer, who allegedly stole US$25 000 from security guards who had picked money dropped by fleeing armed robbers, yesterday appeared before Harare magistrate Donald Ndirowei facing a theft charge.

Prosper Chimbumu (33) who was on the run was arrested after his accomplices Since Asima (38), Perseverance Chisango (32), Weston Muzoriwa (37) and Fredrick Moyo (33) were released on US$300 bail last week.

Chimbumu is employed by the Zimbabwe Republic Police and is stationed at Harare Central Police Station.

State prosecutor Anesu Chirenje told the court that on February 25, two security officers picked US$53 000 which was dropped by armed robbers following a US$716 340 heist at Quest Finance Services.

The two officers were arrested and pleaded guilty to the charges. Magistate Ethel Chichera sentenced them to two years imprisonment.

On March 6, 2024, police received information that the two reaction team officers helped themselves to cash which was dropped by fleeing robbers.

According to court documents, the police officers confronted one of the security officers Cornelius Chimukange at his residence and severely assaulted him.

Chimukange confessed and surrendered US$15 000 which he had.

The court heard that the accused also went to the other security officer Nesbert Kachungwe’s residence where they interrogated his wife and she surrendered US$10 500.

After establishing that US$10 500 was all that was left, the police officers released Kachungwe and his wife and they went away.

The accused allegedly shared the money among themselves.

On March 12, detectives from CID Homicide Harare received a tip-off that the accused persons had collected cash from the reaction officers illegally.

Total amount involved is US$25 500 and nothing was recovered.


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