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BBC Whistleblower’s Daughter Dies After Threats From Uebert Angel

The daughter of a BBC whitleblower featured on the just released documentary exposing the late Nigerian preacher TB Joshua, has died in a suspicious death after receiving threats of violence announced by a Zimbabwean preacher.

Sihle (surname withheld) is one of the whistleblowers in the BBC documentary.

Her 10 year old daughter’s death comes on the same day the violence threatening Prophet Uebert Angel’s aide prophet Jay Israel announced he would retaliate on Sihle over her BBC report and Israel’s boss, Angel also pronounced a statement saying that he and the late Nigerian preacher are under attack so people need to be warned of what is coming.

It was on Wednesday when Jay Israel wrote publicly and also uttered during interviews with the ZimEye news network that he would retaliate against the whistleblower. He was at the time trying to discredit the BBC documentary by accusing her of over her late husband’s life, and he had abruptly ended the phonecall after being grilled over similar accusations he once made against his own late girlfriend last year.

Sihle’s daughter later woke up at around 2 am the next day day complaining that she could not see and suffering from a seizure. She said: “mom I can’t see!” while suffering a seizure, her friend told ZimEye, adding that she died on the same day. She had never had a seizure in her life before, ZimEye was told.

The death circumstances are reminiscent of the sudden death of the late Malawian President Bingu Mutharika. Mutharika died soon after Joshua’s threatening prophetic proclamations. Mutharika was swiftly replaced by TB Joshua’s own loyale, Joyce Banda.

The circumstances are also similar to the tragic death of a Tanzanian who criticised Angel’s subordinate, Shepherd Bushiri. The Tanzanian was a vicious critic of the preacher and Bushiri is on video boasting over the death which was from alleged poisoning.

Uebert Angel and Jay Israel
Both Bushiri and Angel are on video threatening repercussions on critics, which announcing that they ‘occupy ranks in the spirit.’

After DSTV Multichoice announced they are disconnecting TB Joshua’s programs, Uebert Angel’s church business is now facing similar repercussions as those on his late colleague, Joshua.

Some of Uebert Angel’s threats on Thursday
Further details were not available at the time of writing.

The mourning mother was not available for comment.

Soon after her Kwanele Foundation had announced the death on Thursday, Sihle was slapped with new accusations by Jay Israel over her own daughter’s life, which are similar allegations as those he attempted the previous day over her husband who died 23 years ago.

Jay Israel refers to the GoldMafia implicated Uebert Angel as his spiritual father who operates a Theology that publicly instructs believers to execute violence on critics of prophets and for years orders followers to go and knock on the doors of critics armed with knives and unleash violence on them. Uebert Angel promises to release them from prison if they get caught.

“Do you think I’ll let you rot in jail if you’re jailed for me?

“No, I won’t!,” he says.

Sihle has been targeted for harrassment because she made one one of the most damning disclosures that reveal how she was in 2014 instructed by the late TB Joshua to go and issue cash payments to mourning families of building collapse.

Joshua was allegedly covering up his culpability over the killing of a preliminary 116 predominant South Africans and Zimbabweans who died when the preacher’s illegal building collapsed.

The whistleblowers speak one after the other beginning with Sihle stating:

I was in South Africa, that’s when Daddy called and the instruction was I needed to assist in going around to these families in South Africa, whose children husbands or wives had died at the building to go and give money bags of money. It was scripted— your relatives that have passed on they are more privileged than you because they have died in the house of the Lord. We would give the families cash. There were no transfers. We would give Cash. Will it tell them they mustn’t speak to Media, they mustn’t give reports of anything. Basically, we were silencing them.

When they came, we asked, I started searching for information; you start asking questions what are you hiding?

The families were lied to; the aeroplane story is just a pure lie. I can tell you the honest truth, on the 12th of September, somebody walked into the maintenance department, went to that guesthouse as he was there he realised that the building was unstable, it was shaking. By 12pm to 1 pm, the building collapsed they told us then that don’t say what you know, so he knew that there was something wrong with the building, but they were managing it.

The building collapse, is a good example of everyday life under TB Joshua, it’s just a series of coverups, it’s just that this one was so big, it was almost impossible for him to make it go away.

TB Joshua blocked the site immediately. He was trying to hide how brutal it was. Even the emergency unit, he never allowed them to go in at first.
So, because of that there were critical cases where people were trapped.

I even witnessed one of the guys that came he was trapped in the rubble there. As he was holding his leg, a church worker like me, told the Guy that the only option is they’re going to cut off his leg they have to bring this chainsaw, faaaaa!, chop off the leg. Issues like that was not handled without TB Joshua’s awareness.

He is the one that gave that instruction.

The next thing we hear is Emmanuel Emmanuel go and take your camera. The man of God needs to see what is happening here. The man of God wanted me to film, he prioritised filming over rescuing people.

The created a small hole, then they put in this halogen light. When I entered that hole, my God. Horrific scene. You could hear people help me help me and their voices are fading. You don’t know what they’re going through, but you are assuming that these people are dying off.-ZimEye


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